Donation to The National Political Index With
Porsche Raffle Credit Card Entry Form
Yes, I want to donate to help The National Political Index up-date and improve the services NPI offers and enter me to win a 1999 Porsche Carrera.
10,000 tickets/Porsche
Suggested donation $25
No purchase necessary.
Suggested donation: $25. You may donate up to $200; for each $25 you will be entered once.

Zip Code:
Donation Amount:
Expiration Date: (mm/yy)
Credit Card:
Card Number:
Order ID:

NPI will mail to you your donation receipt, your Raffle number (one for each $25 donation), and details of the drawing. You do not have to be present to win. For more information write NPI, Porsche Raffle, P.O. Box 276770, Sacramento, CA 95827-6770
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